
Camel trips and 4x4

camel trips and 4x4
Marhba au Sahara

A small family company offering tours and excursions both by 4x4 and camel through Southern Morocco and the desert. The prices include all meals, overnight stays, guide, transport and all visits.

camel trips and 4x4
M'Hamid Centre
+212 668 517280
next to Hotel El Ghizlane

A friendly and family-run desert travel business providing work for local people. Offers many different types of desert tours according to budget and client requirements/capabilities from 4x4 excursions, walking tours, camel treks, bivouac camps and sandboarding - short and long duration. Excellent knowledge of local area and with office in Ouarzazate for arranging other Moroccan itineraries.

camel trips and 4x4
+212 668 167918

Biovacing in the ancient sand dunes of Chgaga, camel trip to the back desert of Hmada and Dravali. Experienced Tuareg guide, Mohammed Sbai.

camel trips and 4x4
Sahara Services
+212 661 77 67 66

A customer-end intermediary for desert trips both camel and 4x4 that is well connected with most of the local providers and individual guides/car-owners?, but also seem to receive a huge part of price you pay. Don't confuse with many outlets in MHamid that also have a Sahara Services sign.

camel trips and 4x4
Caravane Targala
+212 667 843136. +212 662 781085

One of operators that provides the trips for Chiri Biri and Sahara Services intermediaries. Operates 2-5, and 7 day tours.

camel trips and 4x4
M'hamid Voyages
Centre M'Hamid Elghizlane 47402 , BP : 7 - Zagora
+212 662 781072

Two very friendly guides offering camel treks and 4x4 tours.

tent rental

Most tourist companies working in town offer tent rental for your own trip to desert.

quad bikes and buggies

Quad Evasion (http://www.quadevasionmar...), +212 0 661-77-54-78 or +212 0 544-84-86-92, located 5km before M'Hamid. Seemingly the only provider for quad bikes and buggies rental--but is doing that professionally. Quad bikes are one-driver-a-time, while buggies are two-persons-at-once. Serves both 1- or 2-hour trips and multiple-day advanced tours.

motor bikes

No rental available in the town, still every week several groups of enthusiasts come to ride bikes in a desert.